About Us

We are a non-profit organization seeking to enrich our region through traditional folk dance and live music. Located in Berea, KY, we are dedicated to introducing, promoting, and advancing traditional American contra dance, squares, and other social folk dances. We do this mainly through our Oh Contraire monthly dance series. Here you'll find information about Oh Contraire, including upcoming events, programs, contact info, and a photo gallery.


Contraire Dance Association (CDA) is a non-profit educational and cultural organization. The purpose of CDA is to introduce, promote, and advance traditional American contra, quadrille, and other social dance in Berea and surrounding areas. CDA is a member of the Country Dance and Song Society and supports the aims and goals of the CDSS. CDA is also a member group of the Berea Folk Circle Association.

Code of Conduct

Contraire Dance Association promotes a lively dance style that can be elegant and, most importantly, fun! We strive to create a culture of safety, respect and consent. To support this we teach and promote appropriate and safe dancing. Anyone and everyone who would like to attend is welcome.

Please be sensitive and respectful of other dancers, the band and caller. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Some examples might include:
  • Dancing too close or not respecting the personal space of others
  • Rough dancing, such as using too much strength, forcing a turn or swinging too fast
  • Dipping or lifting your partner without consent or consideration for others
  • Rudeness such as ordering people, or pushing them into place
  • Inappropriate touching or harassment of any sort (e.g. verbal, sexual)
As in all areas of life, you are the first person who should respond to inappropriate behavior.  Talk to the offender; he/she may not be aware of what they are doing.  If you have any concerns that you are not comfortable addressing yourself, then please speak directly with any dance committee member, who will all be wearing screaming green buttons.

Thank you for respecting this Code of Conduct and doing your part to maintain our joyful, safe, and respectful community.

 Borrowed heavily from the Ottawa Contra Dance Code of Conduct

Steering Committee Members

You can identify us at dances by our bright light green buttons!


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